GDP in Purchasing Power Standard (PPS) per inhabitant by NUTS 2 region (2004 and 2014)

GDP in Purchasing Power Standard (PPS) per inhabitant by NUTS 2 region (2004 and 2014)

GDP in Purchasing Power Standard (PPS) per inhabitant by NUTS 2 region (2004 and 2014)

The graphics represent regional Gross Domestic Product (GDP) per inhabitant expressed in Purchasing Power Standard (PPS). The PPS is an artificial currency unit that eliminates price-level differences between countries and regions; one PPS buys the same quantity of goods or services in all countries. It is useful for comparing the economy across countries and regions. GDP is presented as a percentage of EU-28 GDP which is equal to 100%.
The maps show GDP in PPS at NUTS 2 regional level as a percentage of the EU-28 value for the years 2004 and 2014. Regions rank from 30% of the EU-28 average in Severozapaden (Bulgaria), to 539% of the average in Inner London (UK). The regions are divided into four categories based on the level of GDP: 76 regions 105% (109).
The pie chart represents the EU’s regional population in each of the four categories. In other words, in 2014, 40% of the EU population lived in regions with GDP greater than 105% – always expressed in PPS per capita compared to the EU average.

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