creative europe budget

Creative Europe budget in € million

Creative Europe budget in € million

A proposal for a regulation establishing the 2021-2027 ‘Creative Europe’ programme, published at the end of May 2018 under Heading 2 ‘Cohesion and Values’ and Title 7 ‘Investing in People, Social Cohesion and Values’, provides for an overall budget of €1.85 billion, of which €1.081 billion for the Media strand, €609 million for the Culture strand, and €160 million for the cross-sectoral strand.
The proposal introduces some new concepts in the third strand, such as quality journalism, media literacy and freedom of pluralist media, and creation across different sectors (Creative Innovation Lab). The Financial Guarantee Facility would no longer belong to this strand and would be moved to the Invest EU Fund. The culture strand focuses on cultural heritage and architecture with the promotion of Baukultur, and the mobility of artists and cultural operators. The overall funding structure reflects the approach presented in the New Agenda communication, targeting the promotion of social inclusion and impact on democracy. The renewed emphasis on the artistic and creative value of culture is likely to be welcomed, given the current programme’s strongly criticised, mostly economic focus. The proposal also introduces climate objectives and enhanced gender equality through its retention as a criterion for project selection and through the promotion of female participation.

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