EPRS Strategy By / September 13, 2019

International trade [What Think Tanks are thinking]

The escalating trade conflict between the United States (US) and China has dampened economic growth in the European Union and other regions of the world, analysts say, and poses a further question mark over the continuity of the post-Cold War rules-based order. The EU is seeking to position itself as a defender of the multilateral rules-based system in the context of growing economic nationalism.

Written by Marcin Grajewski,

International Trade - Red Hanging Container on Sky Background.
© tashatuvango / Fotolia

The escalating trade conflict between the United States (US) and China has dampened economic growth in the European Union and other regions of the world, analysts say, and poses a further question mark over the continuity of the post-Cold War rules-based order. The EU is seeking to position itself as a defender of the multilateral rules-based system in the context of growing economic nationalism. The EU will need to coordinate closely its trade and climate policies, and think clearly about how best to defend its economic interests in the challenging new geopolitical environment facing the incoming European Commission.

This note offers links to a series of recent commentaries and reports from major international think tanks and research institutes on international trade policy. More reports on trade can be found in a previous edition of ‘What Think Tanks are thinking’ published in June 2018.

L’Europe dans la guerre commerciale sino-américaine
Fondation Robert Schuman, September 2019

Trump’s China tariffs: Lessons from first principles of classic trade policy welfare analysis
Centre for European Policy Studies, September 2019

Le ‘Green deal’ pour l’Europe commence par la transition énergétique !
Institut Jacques Delors, September 2019

The rise of economic nationalism threatens global cooperation
Peterson Institute for International Economics, September 2019

US-China trade war: The guns of August
Peterson Institute for International Economics, August 2019

Trump’s trade war timeline: An up-to-date guide
Peterson Institute for International Economics, August 2019

The economic losses from ending the WTO moratorium on electronic transmissions
European Centre for International Political Economy, August 2019

The coming clash between climate and trade
Bruegel, August 2019

The real cost of Trump’s trade wars
Centre for European Policy Studies, August 2019

As the trade war worsens, the trade deficit increases
Brookings Institution, August 2019

The winners and losers of the US-China trade war
Atlantic Council, August 2019

The US-China trade dispute: What impact on the circular economy?
Chatham House, August 2019

Democratize trade policymaking to better protect human rights
Chatham House, August 2019

Should developing countries get preferential treatment on trade?
Peterson Institute for International Economics, August 2019

The unravelling of the Shanghai ‘Deal’: US-China trade-cum-currency conflict comes to Europe
Deutsche Gesellschaft für Auswärtige Politik, August 2019

Trump’s tariffs against China aren’t working, and there’s no quick resolution in sight
Rand Corporation, August 2019

Chinas Verschuldung und seine Außenwirtschaftsbeziehungen
Stiftung Wissenschaft und Politik, August 2019

Low risk, high reward: A Trans-Pacific Partnership for the EU
Centre for European Policy Studies, July 2019

Isolation or integration: Why the EU Free Trade Agreement the Brexiters want is not deliverable
European Centre for International Political Economy, July 2019

Who’s winning the US-China trade war? It’s not the United States or China
Peterson Institute for International Economics, July 2019

Transatlantic trade: The emergence of an EU geo-economic strategy?
German Marshall Fund, July 2019

A reflection on the Mercosur agreement
Bruegel, July 2019

Preference utilisation and customs data: The missing pieces of the FTA puzzle
European Centre for International Political Economy, July 2019

20 Years in the making: Mercosur-European Union reach trade deal
Atlantic Council, July 2019

Why is it hard for China and the US to cut a deal on trade?
Brookings Institution, July 2019

US-China trade war: Why the EU should take sides and favour the rules-based order
Istituto Affari Internazionali, July 2019

Fact-checking: Trump’s tariffs
Istituto per gli Studi di Politica Internazionale, July 2019

China and the World Trade Organisation: Towards a better fit
Bruegel, June 2019

The ‘seven’ ceiling: China’s yuan in trade talks
Bruegel, June 2019

Between partnership and punitive tariffs: Prospects for a new US-EU trade agreement in the new Congress
Friedrich Ebert Stiftung, June 2019

The future of UK services trade post-Brexit: Unlikely to be bright
Wiener Institut für Internationale Wirtschaftsvergleiche, June 2019

Transatlantic policy impacts of the US-EU trade conflict
Center for Transatlantic Relations, June 2019

From trade diplomacy to economic warfare: The international economic policy of the Trump Administration
Fundacion Real Instituto Elcano, May 2019

International trade: Rekindling interest in a multilateral rules-based approach
Institut français des relations internationales, May 2019

China and Europe: Trade, technology and competition
Observer Research Foundation, May 2019

European elections or: How to learn to stop worrying and be positive about trade in the future
European Centre for International Political Economy, May 2019

What is in store for the EU’s trade relationship with the US?
Bruegel, May 2019

Read this briefing on ‘International trade‘ in the Think Tank pages of the European Parliament.

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