Total GHG emissions by sector

Total GHG emissions by sector (MtCO2e) (rounded data, EU-27)

Total GHG emissions by sector (MtCO2e) (rounded data, EU-27)

Although all sectors saw their emissions fall in the 2005-2019 period, two sectors – transport and agriculture – only managed to reduce emissions by just under 2 %. Consequently, both sectors increased their share of the total emissions, although agriculture accounted for only a 10.4 % share of total EU emissions (a 1.9 percentage point increase since 2005) while the transport sector held a 22 % share in 2019 (an increase of 4 percentage points).
In third place, ‘other emissions’ account for 19 % of the total. Most of these emissions can be linked to buildings, both commercial and residential. Emissions from this category fell by 15 % between 2005 and 2019, leading to a slight increase in its share of the total. While manufacturing industries and construction, along with industrial processes and product use sectors each maintained the same share of the total in 2019 as in 2005, emissions within the sectors fell by 23 % and 21 % respectively. The waste sector, with its 3 % share, recorded the second-largest percentage fall in emissions after the energy sector, 27 % over the period.

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