Tag: fit for 55

Review of the Regulation on fluorinated greenhouse gases: Fit for 55 package [EU Legislation in Progress]

Fit for 55 package

BLOG 2 years ago

European Parliament Plenary Session – June I 2022

ReFuelEU Aviation initiative: Summary of the Commission proposal and the Parliament’s draft committee report

European ports becoming ‘fit for 55’

BLOG 2 years ago

On track to green EU transport?

Fit for 55 package: Reducing methane emissions in the energy sector [EU Legislation in Progress]

CO2 emission standards for new cars and vans: ‘Fit for 55’ package [EU Legislation in Progress]

Sustainable maritime fuels – ‘Fit for 55’ package: the FuelEU Maritime proposal [EU Legislation in Progress][Policy Podcast]

Revision of the Energy Performance of Buildings Directive: Fit for 55 package [EU Legislation in Progress]

Review of the EU ETS: ‘Fit for 55’ package [EU Legislation in Progress][Policy Podcast]

Revision of the market stability reserve for the EU emissions trading system: Fit for 55 package [EU Legislation in Progress]

ReFuelEU Aviation initiative: Sustainable aviation fuels and the fit for 55 package [EU Legislation in Progress]

Aviation’s contribution to European Union climate action: Revision of EU ETS as regards aviation [EU Legislation in Progress][Policy Podcast]

Revision of the Energy Taxation Directive: Fit for 55 package [EU Legislation in Progress]

Revision of the LULUCF Regulation: Strengthening the role of the land use, land-use change and forestry sector in climate action [EU Legislation in Progress]

Revising the Effort-Sharing Regulation for 2021-2030: ‘Fit for 55’ package [EU Legislation in Progress]

Deployment of alternative fuels infrastructure: Fit for 55 package [EU Legislation in Progress]

Revision of the Renewable Energy Directive: Fit for 55 package [EU Legislation in Progress]

Social climate fund: Fit for 55 package [EU Legislation in Progress][Policy Podcast]

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