Tag: In-depth analysis

The European Council in 2015

Promotion of renewable energy sources in the EU: EU policies and Member State approaches

Parliament’s committees of inquiry and special committees

Cloud computing: An overview of economic and policy issues

The Juncker Commission’s ten priorities: State of play in 2016


An EU mechanism on democracy, the rule of law and fundamental rights: European Added Value Assessment

Policy Cycle, PUBLICATIONS 8 years ago

Organised Crime and Corruption: Cost of Non-Europe Report

Poverty in the European Union: The crisis and its aftermath

The European Research Area: Evolving concept, implementation challenges

The fourth railway package: Another step towards a Single European Railway Area

Role of the US Congress in trade agreements: The ‘Fast-Track’ procedure

The UK’s ‘new settlement’ in the European Union: Renegotiation and referendum


European Council and crisis management

Africa’s economic growth: Taking off or slowing down?

Work and social welfare for asylum-seekers and refugees: selected EU Member States

Negotiating a new UN climate agreement: Challenges for the Paris climate change conference

Understanding Securitisation: Background − benefits − risks


The Reform of the Electoral Law of the European Union: European Added Value Assessment accompanying the legislative own-initiative Report

Investment rules in trade agreements: Developments and issues in light of the TTIP debate

EU sport policy: An overview

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