Tag: medical research

What if biosensors could help treat rare diseases? [Science and Technology Podcast]

EU collaborative models to tackle childhood cancer

World Cancer Day 2023

Towards a new EU pharmaceutical strategy [Science and Technology Podcast]

What if a ‘Trojan horse’ strategy could help address antimicrobial resistance? [Science and Technology Podcast]

BLOG 2 years ago

Do we need a public European medicines infrastructure?

What if we sequenced all human genomes? [Science and Technology podcast]

BLOG, Events 2 years ago

Mitigating the risks of genome editing in humans

BLOG 2 years ago

Strengthening Europe in the fight against cancer

BLOG 2 years ago

New regulatory framework for medical devices made of substances

BLOG 4 years ago

A crossroads of disciplines: How nanotechnology is revolutionising medicine

State aid and the pandemic: How State aid can back coronavirus economic support measures

The EU’s response to coronavirus in its neighbourhood and beyond

BLOG, Events 5 years ago

How gene-drive technology could help eradicate malaria

BLOG, Events 5 years ago

A novel approach for better delivery of precision medicines in Europe

People with autism [What Europe does for you]

People with Alzheimer’s [What Europe does for you]

What if editing genes could fight rare diseases? [Science and Technology Podcast]

What if your personal health tracker could save your life? [Science and Technology Podcast]

BLOG, Events 8 years ago

Are we doing enough for our brains?

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