Bribe amount (in roubles) involved in bribery court cases in 2012

Bribe amount (in roubles) involved in bribery court
cases in 2012

Bribe amount (in roubles) involved in bribery court cases in 2012

Most bribery cases involved bribes ranging from 1 000 to 10 000 roubles (roughly €21 to €212), followed by bribes below 500 roubles and bribes between 500 and 1 000 roubles. The recorded cases involving larger bribes such as one million roubles (about €21 200) and beyond are extremely low. This must be seen against a notable rise in the average size of individual bribes from 61 000 roubles (about €1 293) in 2010 to 300 000 roubles (about €6 360) in 2011. Of the 6 014 individuals convicted of corruption-related crimes, only 506 individuals were sentenced to a prison term ranging from less than one year to up to ten years.

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