Approximate schedule of events

Approximate schedule of events

Approximate schedule of events

The third phase – the actual peace-building process – would officially start from the day of the formal signing of the agreement (D+1, 27 September 2016) and its continuation would be subject to a positive outcome from the referendum. An amnesty law for guerrilla fighters not accused of war crimes would have been adopted by Congress once the agreement had been approved by the Colombian people, providing FARC members with a legal guarantee that they would not be arrested after turning in their weapons. The disarmament process would then start: FARC members would concentrate in 31 gathering points situated all over the country and would gradually, over a 180-day period, turn over their weapons to a monitoring and verification mechanism led by the United Nations. FARC members would then undergo a reintegration programme and the FARC would be transformed into a political organisation – the agreement guaranteed three representatives in each chamber of Congress, with a voice but no voting rights until 2018, followed by a minimum of five senators and five representatives for the next two terms, this time subject to elections. Meanwhile, those accused of war crimes would be subject to the transitional justice process.

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