Tag: sustainable development

Supporters of value-driven trade policies [What Europe does for you]

EU policies – Delivering for citizens: Environmental protection [Policy Podcast]

High Level conference: Towards a renewed partnership with Africa


Benefits of EU international trade agreements

BLOG 7 years ago

Maritime matters matter – World Maritime Day, 28 September

Ask EP By
BLOG, EP Answers 7 years ago

What is the EU doing to reduce food waste?

The European Commission at mid-term: State of play of President Juncker’s ten priorities

EU development policy [What Think Tanks are thinking]

The post-2015 development agenda

Le défi de la coordination des politiques européennes de développement

European Year for Development 2015

The post-2015 development agenda: An innovative process for a conservative outcome?


Measuring well-being and progress: Looking beyond GDP


The g7+ group of fragile states


The “Addax affair”: Gabon challenges China in oil dispute

Le développement local au sein de l’UE

Blue growth

Millennium Development Goals beyond 2015

China’s role in development in Africa: Challenging the EU approach

The female face of sustainable development